Friday, October 10, 2008

Illustration 2 ver2

What can i say? So sweet that it hurts.
Right now, the idea is that she's an eccentric ballet dance instructor, despite her scary appearance, is extremely sweet towards her students, so sweet that it hurts most of the time.

Her favourite past time is snacking on sweets.
What she never fails at: Her pocket never fails to be empty of candies.
Unique features: White hair, yellow eyes, red skin, 2 ugly front tooth.

Thank to Aud for her critiques, i guess this new version looks much better then the previous one (composition wise etc...I think the pink background one looks better). Selecting on which suitable colour scheme that looks nice and works well took up half of my life span. Just kidding. Seriously.


Ok, where's my bed and pillow.


Anonymous said...

Very good......

Karen Khoo said...

Thank you :D

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